Red Rock Outdoor Gear
GHILLIE BLIND CAMO NETTING - Ghillie Blanket for Concealment and Gear
IMAGES are a Combination of Both Woodland and Desert Colors/Camouflage
- SIZE: 5 foot x 12 foot
- Includes Carry Bag with Shoulder Strap
- Reinforced Edges for Durability
- Lightweight Construction
- Fast Drying, Water Resistant Material
- The Ghillie Blanket is a multi-function concealment cover designed for (but not limited to):
- Duck and Goose Blinds
- Tree Stands
- Ground Coverage
- Gear Coverage
- Camouflage Netting
- Vehicle, ATV, and Boat Cover
- Paintball, Airsoft, Hunting and much more!
NOTE: The photos of the Ghillie Blanket rolled up and laid flat are the DESERT Camo Color version. Desert is no longer available, but we kept the pictures to help give a better ideas of what the Woodland Camo product looks like.
Products showing as "In Stock" on the product page are shipped within 1 business day in most cases. Products showing "Ships in 3-4 Business Days" will typically be shipped in 3-4 business days after the customer places their order.
Customized items typically are processed, produced, and shipped within 3-4 business days.
We provide shipping at a low rate to all customers within the continental United States. We will choose the best service (UPS or USPS ) on a per-order basis at the time of shipment.
For our customers in APO/FPO locations, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories we will need to apply shipping charges due to the expensive nature of sending orders to these locations. Please note that we have done our very best to offer our customers in these regions a fair shipping rate.
NOTE: Some products will require an additional 3-5 business days to prepare for shipping. If you have any questions, please contact customer service via email at